Lights That Talk
I listened to the sun talking
About getting up in the early mornings
About warmth, about living life.
Extending itself for the whole day
But not minding because light was good.
I watched as the moon followed me
With great persistence,
Choosing to accompany me wherever I went
Amazing me that I could not hide from it.
It wanted to stand by me for the sun was gone
And it too understood that light was good.
I hear the stars talking to each other
So happy to be lighting a dark world
And as they conversed, their lights seemed to gleam brighter.
Still they talked about traveling to distant lands
But always for the same purpose.
They too had grasp the idea
That a sparkle in the dark could be beautiful.
I have often heard the rainbow singing a happy song
Joyous that the rain had stopped and the dark clouds gone
It sang in a myriad of beautiful colours
Singing and stretching itself across the sky
So that I could hear and see it from a distance
Its colours glittered into view
Throwing more light across the skies
Because what is light if not the hope that all things will be bright.