Original Abstract Art 
by Sheryl Keen

Original Abstract Art That Enhances Your... 

Physical Space
Emotional Space
 Mental Space
  • Bubbles in mind using acrylic on canvas by Sheryl Keen original abstract art

    Title: Bubbles in mind using original acylic on canvas by Sheryl Keen original abstract art

    Captuion: Bubbles in mind using original acylic on canvas by Sheryl Keen original abstract art

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  • Bubbles in mind using acrylic on canvas by Sheryl Keen original abstract art

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    Bubbles in mind using original acylic on canvas by Sheryl Keen original abstract art

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  • Original Abstract Art

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Abstract Art with Soul

Much of art has to do with emotions. Emotions come from the soul. It follows that art can touch the viewer’s soul and puts on display the artist’s own soul. The artwork itself will also have its own soul which is a direct result of what the artist has done and the meaning the viewer places on the work.Putting the soul in an artwork does not happen by chance, it involves being brave in talking about personal experiences, who you are as a human being, and conveying your innermost thoughts. One of the things that is top of mind for me is growth. I am always looking for ways in which to convey this subject in my art. The method of delivery is as important as what I want to say. 

I am talking about growth because I believe I have a growth mindset and I can see myself growing not necessarily in leaps and bounds but incrementally like a plant, hence the leaf, tree, and branches motifs in my work. This is a theme that everyone can relate to in some way. But how do I show you my soul and touch yours at the same time? I try to be as intimate as possible. Growth is a broad theme and can feel generic. I place myself squarely in my artwork so that you can feel me.

“Because Growth is Bushy” is me being honest about how hard the growth process is. Progress, change and renewal does not happen just because I want them to. The work must be done. In a similar way, when we are growing a plant, it must be watered, given the right soil and the necessary amount of sunshine to grow. Growth takes time. I believe honesty in the work is a soul touching experience. The artist and the art lovers inner landscape connect when there is vulnerability. The artist humanity is on display and the viewer brings his own humanity to the experience. 

Sometimes the viewer’s understanding is a little different from my intentions but when you touch someone’s soul there is no limit on the insight that can be garnered from the interaction. If the artwork has its own soul, I have done my job and now the viewer can feel and interpret the work however they choose. When I am honest in my work it helps me to find the answers that I am searching for and can have the same effect on the art lover. In this way, we can start conversations and see our shared humanity in each other.

For my art to mean anything to me or to someone else, I have to be courageous in my work. For me, art is already a soul-searching act. What I find on this expedition is what I should convey to you. Grow or stagnate the choice is ours. “Tree Hugger”, another of my pieces, about growth is about leaning in to the growth and embracing it even though it’s difficult. This revealing of self is how I show my soul through art and touch others. When we can see each others soul; it’s hard not to be touched.

Abstract Art
Perfect for Any Space

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Read the latest thoughts and reflections from Sheryl

By Sheryl Keen April 22, 2024
Spring is here. There is something special about this season. Winter is finished; there is new life; there is this feeling of rejuvenation, and everything is turning green. The colour green can create a soothing effect. This is why you’ll see variations of it in many bedrooms and bathrooms. Green also brings health and well-being to mind as it is the colour of many leafy vegetables. It is the main colour of nature and we all know how nature can calm and soothe us when we venture outdoors. But green is also about growth and transformation. We see all the new growth outside, but this can also happen on the inside. The showers in spring also make everything fresh, cleansed, and may give us the feeling that we can start anew. And we can. This is the time that many people spring clean their homes and re-organize things and the same can be done for our internal lives. We can clean out our old habits, old thoughts and start new traditions. Spring can have a real significance in our lives in terms of celebrating the rebirth of ourselves. The green of spring may mean growth but it can also mean go! We have been locked away mostly in sedentary mode all winter and now it’s time to move. It’s also a time to plant seeds and watch them grow. These can be seeds outside of ourselves or inside of ourselves. Now that it is go time, go ahead and explore something new. We never know where this new thing will take us. Thanks for reading and stay tuned for my next post. Sheryl
By Sheryl Keen March 18, 2024
Recently, a friend of mine told me that she is trying to be gentle with herself; not to be as overly critical of herself as she tends to be. When it comes to love, our focus usually falls on others. There is nothing wrong with that, the world needs all the love that it can get and if you have love to give, give it. However, we can also give love and care to ourselves in a healthy way. We know that as humans we are imperfect and prone to make mistakes. When we do make mistakes, we need to give ourselves the same grace and love that we give to others. In fact, giving grace to ourselves may make it easier to give it to others. If we are not compassionate to ourselves, it may be difficult to be kind to others. On the other hand, if we can be loving and kind to others when they fall short but full of criticism of ourselves, it means we need a different approach. Self love is not narcissistic. It makes for a healthy way of being. We practice giving love and care to ourselves so that we can be resilient; we can rise and move on from our failures and not be paralysed by extreme self criticism. It means that we can set boundaries that are not easily and constantly breached so that our peace is protected. We can set goals and intentions and pursue our dreams to become our most actualized selves when we practice self love. We are prepared to meet life’s challenges because we are rejuvenated and restored by the daily practice of nurturing ourselves. The love we want to give to others will come easily because our own practice with ourselves teaches us how to give it to someone else. Everything takes time and practice if we are not used to doing it. Let’s be patient with ourselves in the pursuit of this state of being. Thanks for reading and stay tuned for my next post. Sheryl
By Sheryl Keen March 14, 2024
Every day brings its own newness, the opportunity for change and the opportunity for us to grow into our best selves. Today is no different; we just need to decide whether we are going to stay and fight the way things are with ourselves or if we are going to run away. Flight is easy, we don’t even have to go to someplace else; we just need to not pay attention. And while we are busy fleeing what needs to change within ourselves, our higher selves are patiently waiting on us to stand and take action. Fighting is hard; it’s tiring. And when the person you are trying to change is staring you in the mirror; it is even more tiring. But it can be inspiring too. Finding, knowing and being our highest self is a goal and it requires work. And it is challenging work because more than likely, we have been this self for a long time. How dare our highest self try to teach an old dog, a new trick? Is growth worth the fight? Is pushing our limitations and exploring our own endless possibilities worth it? Is reveling in our own self-expansion worth it? I think that it is and so we have to seize the day. Thanks for reading and stay tune for my next post. Sheryl
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